A társas támogatás szerepe a felsőoktatásban
Since in the labor market, the competition is great. Due to, there is a massive urge. The younger generation must achieve the results and properties that society expects from them (university, labored, in the family) as soon as possible. However, all is not gold that glitters. Because of the social life’s issues, an individual has many problems to deal with. That’s why they need social assistance for developing. In this study, I’m figuring out that whether students need social supporting during their academic years or not.
Hogyan kell idézni
Thinh, Duong Van. 2016. „A társas támogatás Szerepe a felsőoktatásban”. TAYLOR 8 (4):77-85. https://analecta.hu/index.php/taylor/article/view/13041.
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