A mentori gyakorlat magyar és szlovák szervezetekben (empirikus kutatás alapján) = Mentor practice in Hungarian and Slovakian organization


Andrea Bencsik
Tímea Juhász


Mentoring is a form of sharing and transferring knowledge, which is applied
ubiquitously in the practice of organisations. During this process, a connection of
knowledge sharing and transfer is established between the mentor and his mentoree,
which can be a two-way feedback -not just a one-way- process considering its
direction due to the advancement of the activity. The British literature reveals that the
widespread application of mentoring provides opportunities for the organisations
to preserve, develop knowledge capital and to strengthen the competitiveness of businesses. Within the framework of a qualitative research (with in-depth interviews) last year we examined how mentoring practices operate at Hungarian and at Slovakian organisations, what specific factors influence their success and also how they mingle and operate in synergy within the knowledge-management system of the organisations. Our present paper basically starts with the positive examples and presents an analytic introduction of the practices fulfilled in the two countries.


Hogyan kell idézni
Bencsik, Andrea, és Tímea Juhász. 2016. „A Mentori Gyakorlat Magyar és szlovák Szervezetekben (empirikus kutatás alapján) = Mentor Practice in Hungarian and Slovakian Organization”. TAYLOR 8 (3):20-27. https://analecta.hu/index.php/taylor/article/view/13016.
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