A struktúra és a funkció összefüggései önkormányzati szervezeteknél = Correlations between structure and function in the organizations of municipalities
After the change of the regime in Hungary, significant restructuration occurred in the field of polity and public administration. Current, well-known structures of local governments and its supporting administrations have been formulated as a result of this process. The structure has been changed, but only partly, as habituations did not allow an overall change. Due to the recognition of this fact, ÁROP programme had been launched since 2007 in several periods, which supported the efforts in organization development of municipalities and local administration. However, the expected success failed, since the long term upkeep of changes was not established, or the needed commitment did not exist. Responsibility of organization development enterprises is not unimportant at all. Our organization worked out several studies in the frame of ÁROP programme. Careful investigation of the current situation is the establishment and precondition of organization development. This is followed by the elaboration of the conception. These can be carried out by several methods as adapted questionnaires, targeted interviews, focus group interviews, working day record, document analysis, SWOT analysis, life cycle analysis and at last but not least CAF questionnaire. Methods to be applied from these have to be selected according to the aims of the research.
Hogyan kell idézni
Szabados, Krisztián, Anita Pierog, és Csaba Berde. 2015. „A Struktúra és a Funkció összefüggései önkormányzati szervezeteknél = Correlations Between Structure and Function in the Organizations of Municipalities”. TAYLOR 7 (3-4):222-29. https://analecta.hu/index.php/taylor/article/view/12964.
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