Sajátos nevelési igényű (SNI) tanulók oktatásának szervezése = Organising of the tutorial processes of students with special educational needs (SEN)
The European Community has launched a comprehensive economic, organizational procedure, which took aim at people with different disabilities so as to integrate them into the society in the late eighties. The aim of this study is to observe the management of tutorial processes of students with special educational needs (SEN) in Europe and in Hungary This procedure is called inclusive integration. but, differences can be experienced in managing methods among primary schools, as a result the integration into the society of SEN students can be different Secondary data were collected from the database of the European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education homepage. Sixteen european countries supplied data, which were carried out by means of the software SPSS 22. In my analysis I tried to find out connection between the number of the SEN students and the GDP input on the tutorial processes. I also wanted to examine the effect of the GDP input and the rate of the fully inclusive and segregative schools. The different European countries have different GDP input on the tutorial processes, that is why I created 3 groups.: Group 1: GDP 4–5%; group 2.: 5–6%, group 3.: 6,76–8,75%.On examination in the group 1. and 2.the more GDP input is performed on the tutorial processes the less fully inclusive and segregative schools. Due to the low number of the elements in group 4. results are not explainable. Hungarian jurisdiction and educational politics tend to follow the european pedagogical and economical processes toward students with SEN, but more GDP input would be needed so as to integrate these students into the society.
Hogyan kell idézni
Erdei, Norbert. 2015. „Sajátos nevelési igényű (SNI) tanulók oktatásának szervezése = Organising of the Tutorial Processes of Students With Special Educational Needs (SEN)”. TAYLOR 7 (3-4):7-14.
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