Review on Agriculture and Rural Development <p>The journal publishes original papers presenting new scientific results as well as reviews on each field of agriculture, agricultural economics, rural development and their related topics.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> en-US (Melinda Tar, Szilárd Czóbel) (Melinda Tar, Szilárd Czóbel) Fri, 20 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0100 OJS 60 Effects of high hydrostatic pressure on the textural properties of cooked wild red deer meat <p class="MVKAbsztraktAngol"><span lang="EN-GB">Game meat could be considered a good alternative for red meat for human consumption. Meat sourced from wild animals raised under natural environment become increasingly popular with consumers in recent years. This study aimed to assess the effect of high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) on the textural properties of cooked wild red deer (<em>Cervus elaphus)</em> meat. Samples of raw deer meat were treated with different pressures ranging from 150 to 600 MPa for 5 min and stored at 4°C. The samples were cooked on day 1 and 7, and after cooking drip loss and the textural properties were measured. The textural properties were determined using Texture Profile Analysis (TPA) and the Warner–Bratzler (WB) methods. The decision to measure cooked samples is based on the fact that the product will be consumed by the consumers in a cooked form. The results of this study showed that the significant changes in texture attributes, including hardness, springiness, cohesiveness, chewiness, and shear force, in response to HHP treatment and storage duration. These results provide valuable information about the influence of HHP on the textural quality of cooked wild red deer meat, informing food processing practices aimed at increasing consumer satisfaction and product acceptability.</span></p> Munkhnasan Enkhbold, Attila Lőrincz, Majd Elayan, László Friedrich, Adrienn Varga-Tóth Copyright (c) 2024 Review on Agriculture and Rural Development Fri, 20 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0100 Nutritive value and aflatoxin contamination of gluten-free flours <p>There is a growing interest in making versatile gluten-free (GF) foods not only for patients, but also for health-conscious individuals who choose to keep a gluten-free diet. We aimed to investigate gluten –free flours from natural sources and from minimal processing through comparative analyses of the nutrition facts from the labels, and the determination of total aflatoxin contamination levels. Of the 49 flour samples, 6 types were from gluten-free cereals, 5 types from pseudo-cereals, and 15 types were oilseed press cake powder. Almond flour, grape skin powder and GF oat bran. Aflatoxin was determined using Neogen Q+ for Aflatoxin procedure after sample extraction with aqueous ethanol solution. We found significant differences regarding the fat, dietary fiber and protein content, the energy content did not differ significantly and was in the range 298-360 kcal/100 g. With the exception of walnut press cake powder, fatty cocoa powder and quinoa flour, all the samples were qualified as safe ingredient as their aflatoxin content did not exceed the official limit. The studied gluten-free flours are safe and nutrient rich materials for gluten-free diet.</p> Judit Tarekné Tilistyák Copyright (c) 2024 Review on Agriculture and Rural Development Fri, 20 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0100 The effect of precision agriculture tender on the efficiency of sunflower cultivation <p class="MVKAbsztraktAngol"><span lang="EN-GB">By using precision farming systems, we can optimize the use of resources, reducing waste and wastage. The basis of a well-functioning precision agriculture is the immediate and continuous recording of accurate data at the point of cultivation, and then processing and analyzing the data. This requires a change of approach not only by developers and machine manufacturers, but also by farmers, to turn data into decision-support information that can be quickly made available without external assistance. In our work, we aim to provide an economic analysis of the production of sunflower using precision technology. The production of sunflower is studied at an agricultural enterprise whose crop production sector is considered to be at the forefront of the application of precision technologies on a national level. The principle that the more intensive a cropping system, the more advantages there are in using site-specific technology, is fully realized in the enterprise under study. In our work we present the elements of precision technology applied in sunflower production. On this basis, we calculate the costs of cultivation and the income that can be generated. We determine the results with and without subsidies, which can provide information on the actual income-generating capacity.</span></p> Árpád Ferencz, Levente Komarek, Anita Csiba, Zsuzsanna Deák Copyright (c) 2024 Review on Agriculture and Rural Development Fri, 20 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0100 How does nature conservation citizen science affect policy and decision-making? <p>The necessity of expanding our understanding of how Nature Conservation Citizen Science projects contribute to decision-making is frequently emphasized in related scientific studies. A literature review was conducted about the impacts of NCCS projects on policy and decision-making. Peer-reviewed scientific papers published between 2014 and 2024 were used to identify: a) the forms that NCSS projects affected conservation policy, b) the most frequent strategies used in the studies to determine that impact and c) the common challenges encountered for affecting policy. Our results show that more than half of the reviewed publications mention that projects begin with aspirations to make a meaningful contribution to conservation policy, but they rarely share their data with official databases (e.g. official monitoring systems at the local, national, or global levels that implement governmental policy). Our results also show that NCCS projects tend to inform decision-making at early policy stages (e.g. informing policy) and are less common at later phases (e.g. formulation or implementation). Case studies and surveys were most often used to determine the effect. To truly influence national conservation policies, improving channels to communicate with decision-makers is needed and challenges with improving data quality to ensure scientific rigor also need to be addressed.</p> Johanna Maribel Soria Soria, Eszter Tormáné Kovács Copyright (c) 2024 Review on Agriculture and Rural Development Fri, 20 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0100 Use of camera traps in monitoring human-wildlife interactions around the Nairobi National Park Kenya <p>With the human populations in Africa constantly increasing, protected areas are faced with the threat of encroachment. The areas neighbouring wildlife parks have been converted to human settlements with varied anthropogenic activities. Expansive conversion of land for agricultural practices and clearance of space for infrastructural development around protected areas have resulted in increased human-wildlife interactions and potential conflicts. This study employed the use of camera traps on 3 farms on the southern border of the Nairobi National Park-Kenya to find out which wildlife species stray into the community areas, how frequently the species visit the area, what anthropogenic activities are practised and what potential conflicts can be associated with specific species. The images captured were analyzed using the Timelapse software. The common species observed were ungulates (zebras and giraffes) and carnivores (lions, jackals and hyenas). The ungulates visited the area during the day while most carnivores were seen at night. The main human activity in the area is livestock rearing. Dirt road networks in the area are frequently used by humans and shared with wildlife thus the potential conflicts were livestock predation and threats to human lives. Based on our results additional camera traps are recommended to be installed in more locations and should be used over a long period of time to monitor human-wildlife interactions with the aim of finding better mitigation methods for their coexistence.</p> Jocelyn Weyala Burudi, Eszter Tormáné Kovács, Krisztián Katona Copyright (c) 2024 Review on Agriculture and Rural Development Fri, 20 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0100 Changes in the ecological state of the Böddi-szék soda pan between 2010 and 2021 <p>Monitoring the state of wetlands assists their conservation. In 2021, our research repeated a survey implemented a decade earlier, aimed at assessing the ecological condition of alkaline soda waters in the Carpathian Basin. Repeating the original examination of 20 characteristic factors offers the opportunity to monitor changes in the basic ecological state of soda pans. In the present paper data from 2010 and 2021 collected at the Böddi-szék soda pan in Dunatetétlen are compared. The indices used for the evaluation show that the condition of the soda pan and related wetlands has improved slightly. It is due to the reduction of arable land and the increase of grassland areas in the catchment area and the appropriate grazing of the shoreline. It has also increased the number of characteristic bird species nesting in the area. In addition, the previously detected water pollution from seepage and scattered waste has ceased to exist. Although the proportion of reed areas decreased slightly, the proportion of areas covered with Bolboschoenus maritimus increased in parallel. Significant change in the proportion of habitats in the soda pan bed has not been observed. The implementation of a LIFE project for the restoration of the area by the reallocation of a canal bypassing the pan may have additional significant positive effects on the ecological state of the alkaline soda ecosystem.</p> Örs Ábrám, Eszter Tormáné Kovács, Orsolya Mile, Zoltán Ecsedi, Emil Boros Copyright (c) 2024 Review on Agriculture and Rural Development Fri, 20 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0100 Efficacy of BTH and NeemAzal against an aggressive isolate of sunflower downy mildew caused by Plasmopara halstedii <p>Sunflower is an important oilseed crop, but its yield is highly affected by devastating diseases such as sunflower downy mildew caused by <em>Plasmopara halstedii</em>. The high variability of this pathogen compromises the effective management of sunflowers; therefore, IPM including alternative methods is a promising tool against downy mildew. The goal of our study was to assess the effectiveness of BTH (benzothiadiazole in Bion 50 WG) and NeemAzal as inducers of resistance against sunflower downy mildew. Sunflower seedlings were treated with BTH and NeemAzal before inoculation with varying concentrations of <em>Plasmopara halstedii</em> sporangia and incubated overnight at 16°C. Disease severity was assessed using a 0-4 scale, and plant height was measured twice. Histological analysis of sunflower hypocotyls was conducted to examine pathogen structures and host reactions. Both BTH and NeemAzal treatments reduced disease development, with BTH showing greater efficacy in inhibiting pathogen growth and reducing plant height compared to NeemAzal. Histological examination revealed decreased presence of pathogen structures and increased necrosis in treated plants. Further experiments with inducers are recommended. Preliminary results indicate that NeemAzal and BTH reduce the progression of disease symptoms. Plant inducers offer an eco-friendly approach to disease management, including the control of sunflower downy mildew.</p> Arbnora Berisha, Katalin Körösi, Rita Bán Copyright (c) 2024 Review on Agriculture and Rural Development Fri, 20 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0100 The effect of storage on protein fortified liquid whole egg rheological properties <p style="font-weight: 400;">Liquid egg products are globally recognized and increasingly used in large-scale industries due to their microbiological stability and ease of handling. A 100 g of liquid whole egg contains 76.15 g of water, 9.5 g of fat, and 12.56 g of protein. Egg proteins are high quality proteins, characterized by an amino acid score of 100 and the highest net protein utilization rate among dietary proteins. Many studies have examined the characteristics and health benefits of egg white proteins, revealing that their consumption can promote muscle mass and strength, reduce visceral fat, and lower blood cholesterol levels. Given these health advantages, this study aimed to enhance the nutritional value of liquid whole egg by fortifying it with powdered egg white protein. The impact of this addition was assessed through the evaluation of the rheological properties of liquid whole egg. Powdered egg white protein was added in varying concentrations (3%, 5%, and 10%) to 200 g of raw, homogenized liquid whole egg. The mixtures were then subjected to heat treatment at 65 °C for 15 minutes in a water bath and subsequently stored at 4 °C for 21 days. Rheological measurements, specifically viscosity, were performed on days 1, 7, 14, and 21 using an MCR 92 rheometer at 15 °C. The results demonstrated that viscosity was influenced by both the concentration of egg white protein and the duration of storage, exhibiting notable changes throughout the experimental period.</p> <p style="font-weight: 400;"> </p> Majd Elayan, Csaba Németh, Munkhnasan Enkhbold, László Friedrich, Adrienn Tóth Copyright (c) 2025 Review on Agriculture and Rural Development Fri, 20 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0100