Review of Contemporary American Fiction in the European Classroom: Teaching and Texts

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Olga Kajtár-Pinjung


Contemporary American Fiction in the European Classroom: Teaching and Texts
Edited by Laurence W. Mazzeno and Sue Norton
Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, 2022
349 pages
ISBN 978-3-030-94165-9; ISBN 978-3-030-94166-6 (eBook)


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How to Cite
Kajtár-Pinjung, Olga. 2022. “Review of Contemporary American Fiction in the European Classroom: Teaching and Texts”. AMERICANA E-Journal of American Studies in Hungary 18 (1).
Author Biography

Olga Kajtár-Pinjung, English and American Literatures and Cultures Doctoral Program at the University of Szeged

Olga Kajtár-Pinjung is a first-year PhD student in the English and American Literatures and Cultures Doctoral Program at the University of Szeged. Her dissertation project focuses on anti-Americanism in Guantánamo memoirs. Her MA thesis was awarded second prize at the National Scientific Students’ Associations Conference in 2020. Her research interests include life writing, Guantánamo narratives, and anti-Americanism. Email: