Realities and myths of war : review of Jozef Pecina's The representation of war in nineteenth-century American novels

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Zuzana Buráková


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Buráková, Zuzana. 2018. “Realities and Myths of War : Review of Jozef Pecina’s The Representation of War in Nineteenth-Century American Novels”. AMERICANA E-Journal of American Studies in Hungary 14 (1).
Author Biography

Zuzana Buráková

Zuzana Buráková is assistant professor at Pavol Jozef Safarik University in Košice, Slovakia. She teaches courses on the topics of literary theory, the history of American literature, and American ethnic literatures at the Department of British and American Studies. She is co-author of the monograph Reflection of Trauma in Selected Works of Postwar American and British Literature (2010, Pavol Jozef Safarik University) and has published papers in the collections Gender in Literature (2013, Pavol Jozef Safarik University) and Growing Up a Woman (2015, Cambridge Scholars Publishing). Her research interests include Jewish American literature, trauma studies, and the works of Cormac McCarthy. E-mail: