Pénzverési problémák I. Ulászló korából : (néhány ismeretlen verdejegyű dénár)
In this work, the author presents four denars with unknown mintmarks connecting to Ulászló I. The author expounds the main standpoints concerning each types briefly, then he makes an attempt to identify the places of mints and the issuing officers. In the case of the H 605-typed denar, with G - B mintmark on it, he concludes to have been stamped in Nagyvárad or in Gyulafehérvár. He states that the H 603/a-typed denar with I - reverse C mintmark can't be from a Pozsony mint surely, but it is probably a Gyulafehérvár one. In the end he presents two pieces of the H 607-typed denar with unknown mintmarks. One them is a P - ¥ marked, probably a Pécs stamp, while the other one is an h - T marked* coin - in all probability, it is a stamp of the Nagyszeben Anton Trautheberger. While presenting the different types, the author tries to find an answer for any characteristic problems concerning the given coin-types.
Hogyan kell idézni
Újszászi, Róbert. 2007. „Pénzverési problémák I. Ulászló korából : (néhány Ismeretlen Verdejegyű dénár)”. Acta Historica (Szeged) 125 (január):69-78. https://analecta.hu/index.php/acthist/article/view/10466.
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