A középkori Temesvár polgárai és lakói
The author in his study, having examined the different types of written sources, enumarates those persons who appear in the documents as burghers or inhabitants of Temesvár, most significant town in the High and Late Middle Ages of the region bordered by Transylvania and the Rivers Duna, Tisza and Maros. By analysing the personal names preserved in the documents the author primarily tries to identify those localities whence people migrated to Temesvár and became, in most of the cases, burghers of that town. These places (Mezősomlyó, Maráz, Paznad/Póznád, Jenő and Besenyő) were located in a region around Temesvár that was economically dominated by this town.
Hogyan kell idézni
Petrovics, István. 2006. „A középkori Temesvár polgárai és lakói”. Acta Historica (Szeged) 124 (január):29-38. https://analecta.hu/index.php/acthist/article/view/10458.
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